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Medieval History

General Overview

  • Southern, Richard. The Making of the Middle Ages
  • Treadgold, Warren.  A History of the Byzantine State and Society
  • Wickam, Chris.  Framing the Middle Ages


  • Fleming, Robin.  Britain After Rome
  • Frame, Robin.  The Political Development of the British Isles:  1100-1400
  • Rubin, Miri.  The Hollow Crown


  • Hallam, Elizabeth and Judith Everard.  Capetian France:  987-1328
  • Bates, David.  Normandy Before 1066

Germany and Germanish Places

  • Fuhrmann, Horst.  Germany in the High Middle Ages, c. 1050-1200
  • Nicholas, David.  The Northern Lands:  Germanic Europe, c. 1270-c. 1500


  • Collins, Roger.  Caliphs and Kings:  Spain, 796-1031.
  • Menocal, Maria Rosa.  The Ornament of the World:  How Muslims, Jews and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain
  • O’Callahan, Joseph.  A History of Medieval Spain.


  • Martines, Lauro.  Power and Imagination:  City-States in Renaissance Italy
  • Wickham, Chris.  Sleepwalking into a New Word:  The Emergence of Italian City Communes in the 12th Century

Politics and Political Thought

  • Baldwin, John.  The Government of Philip Augustus: Foundations of French Royal Power in the Middle Ages
  • Bartlett, Robert.  The Making of Europe:  Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change, 950-1350
  • Bisson, Thomas.  The Crisis of the 12th Century:  Power, Lordship, and the Origins of European Government
  • Brown, Elizabeth.  “The Tyranny of a Construct: Feudalism and Historians of Medieval Europe.”   The American Historical Review, vol. 79, 4 (Oct. 1974)
  • Canning, Joseph.  A History of Medieval Political Thought, 300-1450.
  • Clanchy, Michael.  England and its Rulers, 1066-1272
  • Creighton, O.H.  Castles and Landscapes:  Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval Europe
  • Davies, Rees.  “The Medieval State:  The Tyranny of a Concept?”  Journal of Historical Sociology, vol. 6, no. 2 (June 2003).  280-300.
  • Geary, Patrick.  The Myth of Nations
  • Hilton, Rodney.  Bond Men Made Free:  Medieval Peasant Movements and the English Rising of 1381
  • Kantorowicz, Ernst.  The King’s Two Bodies
  • Nirenberg, David.  Communities of Violence:  Persecution of Minorities in the Middle Ages
  • Reynolds, Susan.  Fiefs and Vassals.

Church and Religion

Church History

  • Arnold, John.  Belief and Unbelief in Medieval Europe
  • Brooke, Christopher.  The Age of the Cloister:  The Story of Monastic Life in the Middle Ages
  • Chadwick, Henry. East and West:  The Making of a Rift in the Church.
  • Constable, Giles.  The Reformation of the 12th Century
  • Ullmann, Walter.  A Brief History of the Papacy in the Middle Ages

Saints and Relics

  • Brown, Peter.  The Cult of Saints:  Its Rise and Function in Latin Christianity
  • Geary, Patrick.  Furta Sacra
  • Vauchez, Andri.  Sainthood in the Later Middle Ages


  • Lambert, Michael.  Medieval Heresy:  Popular Movements from the Gregorian Reform to the Reformation
  • Moore, R.I.  The Formation of a Persecuting Society:  Authority and Deviance in Western Europe, 950-1250

Education and Learning

  • Baldwin, John.  The Scholastic Culture of the Middle Ages, 1000-1300
  • Haskins, Charles Homer.  The Renaissance of the 12th Century
  • Le Goff, Jacques.  The Medieval Imagination
  • Clanchy, Michael.  From Memory to Written Record:  England, 1066-1307

Mapping and Geography

  • Braudel, Fernand.  The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Phillip II (Part I:  The Role of the Environment)
  • Delano-Smith, Catherine and Roger Klein.  English Maps: A History
  • Edson, Evelyn.  Mapping Time and Space:  How Medieval Mapmakers Viewed Their World
  • Friedman, John Block.  The Monstrous Races in Medieval Art and Thought
  • Lilley, Keith.  City and Cosmos:  The Medieval World in Urban Form
  • Lozovsky, Natalia.  “The Earth is Our Book”:  Geographical Knowledge in the Latin West ca. 400-1000
  • Phillips, J.R.S.  The Medieval Expansion of Europe
  • Russell, Jeffrey.  Inventing the Flat Earth:  Columbus and Modern Historians.
  • Scafi, Alessandro.  Mapping Paradise:  A History of Heaven on Earth
  • Smith, D.K.  The Cartography of Imagination in Early Modern England:  Re-writing the World in Marlowe, Spenser, Raleigh and Marvell
  • Tattersall, Jill.  “Sphere or Disc?  Allusions to the Shape of the Earth in Some Twelfth-Century and Thirteenth-Century Vernacular French Works,” Modern Language Review, 1981
  • Winckler, Katharina. “Die Alpen Als Grenze Und Grenzen in Den Alpen.” Archaeologia Austriaca 96 (2012): 147–61

Trade and Travel


  • Epstein, Steven.  Economic and Social History of Later Medieval Europe, 1000-1500.
  • Lopez, Robert.  The Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages, 950-1350.
  • McCormick, Michael.  Origins of the European Economy

Trade and Maritime History

  • Abulafia, David.  “Local Trade Networks in Medieval Sicily:  The Evidence of Idrisi.”  In Shipping, Trade and Crusade in the Medieval Mediterranean:  Essays in Honour of John Pryor, edited by Gertwagen, Ruthy and Elizabeth Jeffreys.
  • Agnarsdóttir, Agnar.  “Iceland’s ‘English Century’ and East Anglia’s North Sea World.”  In East Anglia and its North Sea World in the Middle Ages, ed. Bates, David and Robert Liddiard
  • Ayers, Bryan.  “Cities, Cogs and Commerce:  Archeological Approaches to the Material Culture of the North Sea World.”  In East Anglia and its North Sea World in the Middle Ages, ed. Bates, David and Robert Liddiard
  • Bell, Adrian, Chris Brooks and Paul Dryburgh.  The English Wool Market, c.1230–1327
  • Bowly, Tim.  “‘Herring of Sligo and Salmon of Bann’:  Bristol’s Maritime Trade with Ireland in the 15th C.”  In Roles of the Sea in Medieval England, ed. Gorski, Richard
  • Childs, Wendy. Trade and Shipping in the Medieval West:  Portugal, Castile and England
  • Constable, Olivia.  Housing the Stranger in the Mediterranean World.
  • —-.  Trade and Traders in Muslim Spain:  The Commercial Realignment of the Iberian Peninsula, 900-1500
  • Dotson, John.  “Everything is a Compromise:  Mediterranean Ship Design, 13th-16th Century.”  In The Art, Science and Technology of Medieval Travel, ed. Bork, Robert and Andrea Kann
  • Freedman, Paul.  Out of the East:  Spices and the Medieval Imagination
  • Hicks, Michal, ed.  English Inland Trade, 1430-1540:  Southampton and its Region (most essays)
  • Hutchinson, Gillian.  Medieval Ships and Shipping
  • Lopez, Robert and Irving Raymond.  Medieval Trade in the Mediterranean World.
  • Martin, Claire.  “London:  The Hub of an English River Transport Network, 1250-1550.”  In Roadworks:  Medieval Britain, Medieval Roads, ed. Allen, Valerie and Ruth Evans
  • Meier, Dirk.  Seafarers, Merchants and Pirates in the Middle Ages
  • Oksanen, Eljas.  Flanders and the Anglo-Norman World, 1000-1216 (ch. 5 — pp. 145-177)
  • Pitcaithly, Marcus.  “Piracy and Anglo-Hanseatic Relations, 1385-1420.”  In Roles of the Sea in Medieval England, ed. Gorski, Richard
  • Rose, Susan.  The Wine Trade in Medieval Europe, 1000-1500.
  • Spufford, Peter.  Power and Profit:  The Merchant in Medieval Europe
  • Unger, Richard.  “Changes in Ship Design and Construction:  England in the European Mould.”  In Roles of the Sea in Medieval England, ed. Gorski, Richard
  • Ward, Robin.  The World of the Medieval Shipmaster: Law, Business and the Sea C.1350-c.1450


  • Evan, Ruth.  “Getting There:  Wayfinding in the Middle Ages.”  In Roadworks:  Medieval Britain, Medieval Roads, ed. Allen, Valerie and Ruth Evans
  • Jotischky, Andrew.  “The Mendicants as Missionaries and Travellers in the Near East in the 13th and 14th Century.”  In Eastward Bound:  Travel and Travelers, 1050-1550, ed. Rosamund Allen
  • Ohler, Norbert.  The Medieval Traveler
  • Schechner, Sarah.  “Astrolabes and Medieval Travel.”  In The Art, Science and Technology of Medieval Travel, ed. Bork, Robert and Andrea Kann
  • Touati, Houari.  Islam and Travel in the Middle Ages
  • Verdon, Jean.  Travel in the Middle Ages


  • Almazán, Vincente.  “The Pilgrim Shell in Denmark.”  In The Pilgrimage to Compostela in the Middle Ages, ed. Maryjane Dunn and Linda Kay Davidson
  • Birch, Debra.  Pilgrimage to Rome in the Middle Ages.
  • Classen, Albrecht.  “Constructed Space in the Late Middle Ages:  Arnold von Harff’s Incidental Discovery of a New Paradigm of Urban Space in Cairo.” German Studies Review, vol. 33, 2 (May, 2010).
  • Craig, Ann.  Wandering Women and Holy Matrons:  Women as Pilgrims in the Later Middle Ages
  • Delano-Smith.  “The Intelligent Pilgrim:  Maps and Medieval Pilgrimages to the Holy Land.”  In Eastward Bound:  Travel and Travelers, 1050-1550, ed. Rosamund Allen
  • Duran-McLure, Michelle.  “Pilgrims and Portals in Late Medieval Siena.”  In The Art, Science and Technology of Medieval Travel, ed. Bork, Robert and Andrea Kann
  • Fritz, Jean-Marie.  “Empreintes et Vestiges dans les Récits de Pèlerinage:  Quand la Pierre Devient Cire.”  Le Moyen Age, vol. CXVII, 1 (2012):  9-20.
  • Simon, Anne.  “Of Smelly Seas and Ashen Apples:  Medieval German Pilgrimage Literature.”  In Eastward Bound:  Travel and Travelers, 1050-1550, ed. Rosamund Allen
  • Smith, Colin.  “The Geography and History of Iberia in the Liber Santi Jacobi.”  In The Pilgrimage to Compostela in the Middle Ages, ed. Maryjane Dunn and Linda Kay Davidson
  • Sumpion, Jonathan.  The Age of Pilgrimage:  The Medieval Journey to God
  • Vasquez, Marta.  “Women and Pilgrimage in Medieval Galicia.” In Women and Pilgrimage in Medieval Galicia, González-Paz, Carlos, ed.
  • Webb, Diana.  Medieval European Pilgrimage, c.700-c.1500.
  • Weber, Elke.  “Sharing the Sites:  Medieval Jewish Travellers to the Land of Israel.”  In Eastward Bound:  Travel and Travelers, 1050-1550, ed. Rosamund Allen


  • Constable, Giles.  Crusaders and Crusading in the 12th Century
  • Hamilton, Bernard.  “The Impact of the Crusades on Western Geographical Knowledge.”  In Eastward Bound:  Travel and Travelers, 1050-1550, ed. Rosamund Allen
  • Harris, Jonathan.  Byzantine and the Crusaders
  • Hillenbrand, Carole.  The Crusades:  Islamic Perspectives
  • Hodgson, Natasha.  Women, Crusading and the Holy Land in Historical Narrative
  • Housley, Norman.  Contesting the Crusades
  • Evans, Michael.  “‘Unfit to Bear Arms’:  The Gendering of Arms and Armor in Accounts of Women on Crusade.” In Gendering the Crusades, ed. Edgington, Susan and Sarah Lambert
  • O’Callghan, Joseph.  Reconquest and Crusade in Medieval Spain.
  • Phillips, Jonathan.  The Second Crusade:  Extending the Frontiers of Christendom.
  • Queller, Donald and Thomas Madden.  The Fourth Crusade:  The Conquest of Constantinople.  Second Edition
  • Rayborn, Tim.  The Violent Pilgrimage: Christians, Muslims and Holy Conflicts, 850-1150
  • Riley-Smith, Jonathan.  The First Crusaders
  • Rouseau, Constance.  “Home Front and Battle Field:  The Gendering of Papal Crusading Policy (1095-1221).  In Gendering the Crusades, ed. Edgington, Susan and Sarah Lambert
  • Schein, Sylvia.  “Women in Medieval Colonial Society:  The Latin Kingdoms of Jerusalem in the 12th Century.”  In Gendering the Crusades, ed. Edgington, Susan and Sarah Lambert
  • Tyerman, Christopher.  God’s War

