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The other night, as I lay sleeping,

I dreamt that we had walked all day

in fields and woods and holy spaces,

stopping on crumbled bridges

to watch the flows,

feeling the weight of the past

in small, old churches,

and listening for the forest spirits

whispering out from under last year’s leaves.

In quiet and laughter,

apart and alone

We had walked the full day

at a pace that we could own,

carving out time from a hasty present

and filling our souls with less

in a world that always pushes more.

And at day’s end

We came upon a ruined abbey,

ancient and open to the sky.

Weathered columns held up a vanished roof

and half-cracked flagstones lay beneath

the dirt and turf of years.

Worshiping nature grew up

around the altar of the Lord,

a living carpet stretching out,

green and waving,

over memories of Latin hours

Standing still,

We held our breath and asked the space to speak.

And in the falling twilight of that ruined hall

We lived a moment at the stalled heart of the time,

listening to the stones

while the purpled sky gave way above

to black and stars.


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